The Values


Be brave, not perfect

Take thoughtful risks. Think independently. Step outside of your comfort zone. Don’t conform.


Embrace new perspectives

Treat life as an adventure. Keep an open mind. Get below face value. Be a good listener. Pay attention to signals as well as words. Ask, don’t assume.


Show up, be YOU

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be yourself, regardless of the audience. Be present. Be true to your word.


Live Humbly

Give generously. Forgive freely. Take responsibility for your own actions. Acknowledge and apologize when wrong. Choose quality over quantity. Winning isn’t everything. Recognize other’s strengths and your weaknesses.


Obstacles are Opportunities

Roll with the punches. Adapt. Evolve and reprioritize. Accept the unknowns. Embrace creative solutions. Stay strong in the face of adversity.

It’s hardest to uphold these values when the going gets rough. THE PROPER MISFITS do it anyway.

  • Ask the question you’ve been afraid to ask

  • Speak up when you hear someone say something offensive

  • Consider an option other than the ones you've been presented

  • Don’t say something you wouldn’t say to the person’s face

  • Take a thoughtful risk

  • Bet on yourself

  • Don’t commit if you can’t

  • Give someone else the credit

  • ALWAYS say thank you

  • Listen to a differing opinion - and JUST listen

  • Spend time with people that don't share all the same beliefs as you

  • Smile at strangers!