THE PROPER MISFITS is a community centered around five key values: Courage, Curiosity, Authenticity, Humility, and Resilience. Our Mission is to build a community of support, accountability and inspiration by connecting humans with shared values. Our Vision is to improve the way humans interact with each other - for ourselves, our communities, and our future generations.

We are a community that can be accessed for any reason, and we welcome diversity in knowledge and experiences. We support each other’s strengths and weaknesses, we hold each other accountable, and we inspire each other to grow as humans. We are brave and resilient risk-takers who are not afraid to question norms and try new ways. We are humble, authentic listeners who genuinely want to understand others. 

These principles, and each other, make us Misfits and Proper. 

If you believe in these values and want to be part of a community dedicated to maintaining them then you are a Proper Misfit! Let’s connect, share stories and support each other on this wild ride of life.


Become a member of THE PROPER MISFITS.


Share tips for everyday ways to Proper Misfit. Contribute stories where you’ve seen these values make a difference.


Need accountability, support, or inspiration? Find a fellow Proper Misfit that’s listed that topic and reach out!